Letter 06   01-May-2000   Publicity Stunt 05: Rambam-CJC Guaranteed Flip
"And we are going to shove these down the throat of the Canadian government because the Canadian government refuses to pursue these murderers as murderers." — Steven Rambam
  May 01, 2000
Irving Abella
Department of History
York University
2140 Vari Hall
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON   M3J 1P3

Irving Abella:

Stephen Bindman writing in the Ottawa Citizen describes an innovative Rambam-CJC plan — whose success is guaranteed — to uncover Nazi war criminals:

Wednesday 19 March 1997

Prominent Nazi hunter
has new approach
to obtain evidence

Stephen Bindman
The Ottawa Citizen

Canada's Jewish leaders have a new approach in their decades-long fight to see suspected Nazi war criminals brought to justice — they will try to "flip" them into giving evidence against their former colleagues.

American private investigator Steven Rambam says he will directly confront many of the suspected Nazis he previously approached while working undercover.

"We want your help in prosecuting your fellow murderers," the New York Nazi-hunter plans on telling the suspects.

"If you want a chance to set things straight and provide evidence against your fellow killers, the Jewish community will stand with you to make sure you are not a target of deportation."

"I guarantee if we contact 20 or 30 of these people, two or three or four or five of them will flip and will provide us with statements.  And we are going to shove these down the throat of the Canadian government because the Canadian government refuses to pursue these murderers as murderers."

Mr. Rambam's novel approach has the full support of the Canadian Jewish Congress, the country's leading Jewish organization.


The Canadian public has been informed, through the Stephen Bindman article above, of the Rambam-CJC guaranteed flip plan.  Now that more than three years have elapsed since the plan's announcement, and the plan has had plenty of opportunity to be put into effect, I wonder if you would be able to follow up by informing the Canadian public how it turned out?  How many suspected Nazi war criminals were invited to participate in the guaranteed-flip plan?  How many actually did flip?  How many Nazi war criminals have been shoved down the throat of the Canadian government, to use Steven Rambam's colorful language?

The negative impression that your answer would be attempting to dispel here is that the Rambam-CJC plan never had the slightest chance of discovering any war criminals: Nazi war criminals in Canada have been nearing extinction for many years, and possibly had become quite extinct even before 1997.  And if any could be found, they might not know other war criminals, or might be too loyal to inform against them.  If any could be found, they might not jump at the opportunity to take up an offer from a stranger which talked of "your fellow murderers" and "your fellow killers."  Those who had survived the longest might be the ones least predisposed to indiscreet confession.  Any war criminals that could be found might want to see that the evidence against them was overwhelming before confessing (which Rambam wouldn't be able to show), and after that might want to know what immunity from prosecution they could depend on (which would not be in the power of Rambam or of the CJC to dispense).

This scheme, in short, is hair-brained — so hair-brained that I venture to speculate that neither Rambam nor anybody at the CJC, not even yourself, had the slightest intention of putting it into effect.  Its only purpose was to use an unprincipled and subservient reporter, Stephen Bindman, to conjure up before the eyes of Canadians images of multitudes of Nazi war criminals so guilt-laden as to be receptive to the flimsiest excuse to unburden themselves.

What we seem to have here, in short, is the fifth in a series of publicity stunts, all involving deception, all employed by Jewish leaders to keep the topic of Nazi war crimes by Gentiles against Jews alive in the public mind, all appropriating public resources toward supporting Jewish wallowing in self-pity at a time when those resources could have been better used to build classrooms for children or to shorten waiting lines at hospital emergency clinics or even to just fill potholes in streets:

1.  Littman-Blumenthal Mengele Scare
2.  Littman-Wiesenthal Thousands of War Criminals Scare
3.  Commemorating the Deschênes Commission
4.  Rambam-Abella Fifty Confessions
5.  Rambam-CJC Guaranteed Flip

Lubomyr Prytulak