These are the recipients of Lubomyr Prytulak letters, and a few others

Repin, Cossacks Write Defiant Letter to Turkish Sultan, (oil, 1880-91)

The Zaporozhian Cossacks
Write a Defiant Letter
to the Turkish Sultan

Fragment from Ilia Repin (1844-1930), oil, 1880-1891.

As of 07-Feb-2004, all substantive replies (but no vacuous form-letter replies) from the recipients of my letters have been posted on the Ukrainian Archive.  Where the reader does not see any reply, it is because there has been none.  Of all recipients listed, the only one who has ever sent a substantive reply has been Raul Hilberg.  Therefore, the value of these many letters for the most part lies not in the answers that they elicit, but rather in their creation of a public record for others to appreciate of what questions have been asked without receiving any answer, and thus perhaps of what questions bear asking a second time.
Irving ABELLA       CJC War Crimes Committee Chair (WHARRRF)
Yitzhak ARAD       Expert witness against Ukrainians
Israel ASPER       Canadian Media Lord (father)
Leonard ASPER       Canadian Media Lord (son)
Yaakov Dov BLEICH       Rabbi of Kyiv and Ukraine
Alan BOROVOY       Canadian Civil Liberties Association General Counsel
Edgar BRONFMAN       Father and son Seagram heads
George W BUSH       United States President
Noam CHOMSKY       MIT linguist and social commentator
Jean CHRETIEN       Former Prime Minister of Canada
Irwin COTLER       Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Alan DERSHOWITZ       Harvard Law School professor
Robert A DUKES       Los Angeles Superior Court Presiding Judge
James R DUNN       Los Angeles Superior Court Judge
Faron ELLIS       JMCK Senior Pollster
Bernie FARBER       Executive Director Ontario CJC (WHARRRF)
Al GORE       United States Vice President
Irving GREENBERG       US Holocaust Memorial Council chair
Don HEWITT       Executive Producer of 60 Minutes (WHARRRF)
Raul HILBERG       Pre-eminent Holocaust historian
Kenneth HILBORN       University of Western Ontario history professor
Ian HUNTER       University of Western Ontario law professor
Pope JOHN PAUL II       Bishop of Rome
Michael H JORDAN       Chairman of Westinghouse
Jonathan KAY       Editorial board, National Post
Gary KLAUSNER       US District Court Judge
Jerzy KOSINSKI       Grand Calumniator of Poland
Leonid KUCHMA       President of Ukraine
Carolyn B KUHL       LA Superior Court Supervising Judge, Civil Divisions
Rory LEISHMAN       London, Ontario columnist
Ezra LEVANT       Canadidate for member of parliament
Sol LITTMAN       Canada's leading Nazi hunter
Erich H LOEWY       U California Bioethics Professor
Robert Paul MAGOCSI       Historian of Ukraine
Paul MARTIN       Prime Minister of Canada
Anne McLELLAN       Canada's Minister of Justice
Martin MENDELSOHN       First Director of the OSI
Ed MORGAN       Chair Canadian Jewish Congress (Ontario)
Michael NEUMANN       Trent University Philosophy Professor
Adolf OGI       President of the Swiss Federation
Omeljan PRITSAK       Historian of Ukraine
Vladimir PUTIN       President of Russia
F David RADLER       COO of Hollinger International (WHARRRF)
Steven RAMBAM       Brooklyn Private Investigator (WHARRRF)
Jonathan RAUCH       American social commentator
Hartley T RICHARDSON       President/CEO James Richardson & Sons
Moshe RONEN       National President of the CJC (WHARRRF)
Eli ROSENBAUM       Director of the OSI
Philip ROTH       American Novelist
Morley SAFER       Host of The Ugly Face of Freedom
Gerald W SCHWARTZ       Chairman and CEO, Onex Corporation
Gitta SERENY       British historian and journalist
Israel SHAMIR       Russian-Israeli writer
Ariel SHARON       Prime Minister of Israel
Neal M SHER       America's top Nazi hunter
Max SILVERMAN       Best of tomorrow's Jewish leadership
J Grant SINCLAIR       Chairperson Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Janice STEIN       Director, Munk Centre for International Studies
Arthur Hays SULZBERGER (1891–1968)    President and Publisher New York Times
Laurence A TISCH       President of CBS during Ugly Face
Giacomo VIGNA       Canadian Human Right Commission (CHRC) Counsel
Mike WALLACE       CBS promoter of Steven Rambam (WHARRRF)
Elie WIESEL       Novelist and Nobel Peace laureate
Simon WIESENTHAL       Grand Calumniator of Ukraine